A downloadable game

Hello guys.
Our small team is making some kind of "mixed" style Adult game.
Lewd Maze (former Corrupted Dungeon) is Isometric dungeon crawler with turnbased pixel fighting part, with some nice in-battle H-animations and gameover CGs. It has heavy focus on monstergirls and futanari on female scenes, so care :)

You have two main characters for now, tanned neko and elf girl. Race affects possible class and equipment, for example elf warrior will be light agile fighter with longsword / rapier (duelist), while stronger catgirl will have 2-handed cleaver (berserker). Same applies for ranged classes, elven priest and cat shaman, and so on. A bit close to Might & Magic?

And of course some cute monstergirls NPCs~ 
Some of them will have their own scenes and will be able to temporarily join you party in battle, as story will progress.

Dungeon itself is constantly changing, unstable structure. (randomly generated, yes).
It was filled by only dust and old bones for hundred of years, but now its suddenly exploded with life, filling with awesome treasures - and swarming with various creatures, corrupting minds and setting in heat anyone who dare to set foot inside. Males are much more vulnerable to corruption, so they have to avoid this sturctule, sadly~ 
Greedy female adventurers are coming for both shiny gold and fun - not even bothering with heavy armors, since they're gonna strip anyway.
It is classic isometric with cute sprites and various awesome objects to explore and to plunder. And of course, it has various monsters and monstergirls to have tons of fun in battle mode. Some of them will have specific debuff attack to get your team in proper mood for various perverted things.

It is still pretty early demo, but if you like it - please support us. Help make it more awesome!
You can do this via Patreon.
Any feedback or support is welcome.


Lewdmaze_0_7_266a_fix_universal.rar 675 MB
Lewdmaze_0_7_266a_fix_linux.rar 648 MB
Lewdmaze_0_7_266a_fix_WIN.rar 646 MB

Install instructions

Make sure you have Java 64bit installed. It may have issues on 32bit. If youre using Mac, just copy launch command from linux .Sh file and change it to
java -Djava.library.path=native/macosx -Xss50M -jar lewdmaze.jar 
or  java -Djava.library.path=native/macosx -Xss50M -jar [directory of lewdmaze.jar]
Mac launch from console.

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Any plans for double autofellatio scenes on 3rd stage? As we enter the "doppelganger" territory

Like, self x self?
I was honestly planning more like, character sees a "crush" and has fun with her.

Sweet. Would it be futa (real self) on female (crush) or futa self on futa crush? Kinda lost a bit about the 3rd stage on that one.

Also, any chance that Diana comes with us on 2nd stage or warden girl - on 3rd? 

Lets see. Its futa characters (under Ghost / curse effect) vs female doppel :)

Unsure about Smith or Warden yet, it will require a looot of new animations. But Guild lady will be coming for sure, horny bunny ftw. 

Thanks for a detailed response

When the next public update will be realesed? Looking forward it

Probably next month :)

Is there a way for non-patrons to access the gallery yet?

There is already ingame gallery for stage 1, even for free demo.
Later will be added gallery for stage 2 and so on.

Glad you're still working on this. Hope things continue to go well for you in the next year

We have monthly updated on Patreon, itch is mostly for rotating free version :)


I was interested in it until i got to the download part and there's no Android link its sad that most game i found interesting lately are not compatible with my phone

will there ever be a Mac version or do download one of the files because change the thing to java and it doesn't open

Sorry can you specify? Java in universal platform, so technically we can do Mac version, its just not a priority right now~

Im saying when I change the linux.sh to java I click the the application to launch and it doesn't open is there any way to fix that by the way I downloaded the universal files. sorry if I wasn't't clear on that.

I think universal may not work properly on Mac, because currently Mac doesn't support specific library used for graphics. We need to change some libs and adjust stuff for it to run on Mac.

okay thank you  also I love your work I will be patient and wait for the change on Mac.

Game closes after class selection not sure what to do.

Send me a screenshot from black debuf console it has.

for some reason mcafee absolutely hates the launcher and lewdmaze.jar just crashes after class selection? 

Probably gettign blocked. Make sure to add game to whitelist, its not a virus.

will this be made compatible with the Itch app?

Not for now. for some reason it hates Java files. Just download it from browser and run

Hey man - just downloaded it & the java version specified via the link in the game description- Im on windows but I'm unsure on how to launch the game? I'm not finding any jar files nor exe files...

if you dont see any Jar, it means either download tool or unpacking software fkd up and tore Jar apart.
Avoid using Itch app for downloading, use browser and direct download.
Try different unpacking tool (7zip or Winrar etc).
Happens sometimes, nothing serious~

any plans for a steam release?

unsure yet, they kinda have java

is there a way to turn off certain species/scenes like centaurs?


Yeah, by not getting caught by them :D

MiniBoss battles are unavoidable thou~


I will remind you every year about this comment shanbahak

(1 edit) (+1)

We'll try android version as soon as we'll get stable completed main part for other platforms :P
TImeline would be 3rd stage done etc

so this year i guess if everything will go smoothly?



How do i start up the game? im bad at computers but i use windows

Download WIn version, unpack it somewhere, double click on game exe and play
Unless you have some kind of hardcore blocking-everything tool, game already has everything preinstalled to run

Hey man, i have a question here, there's a specific place that the files run faster? i dont think the game should load this speed tbh, i have the java and it's a really old pc

Depends on your PC specs.
It should run just fine on old stuff like core i5 sandy bridge, 8 Gb memory and at least some kind of videocard.

if you're having massive lags or slowdowns, its related to software, not hardware - missing drivers, some conflicts etc.

just some lag only when loading some gifs

In that case, old PC to blame i guess. Java is bulky.

Can anyone tell me how to unlock gallery, please


Its not ingame yet (at least not in this demo).
Gallery available to Patrons as massive package with hi-res cgs and other stuff thou.


Can anyone tell me step by step how to run this game on mac? I think I'm doing something wrong but I can't figure out what. I will be very grateful

Sadly Mac kinda doesn't support latest versions.
You can try to play around with emulating Linux on Mac, because that could work around.
Overall its Java so its cross-platform, but libraries required to run properly is not supported by Mac anymore, so atm its real butt pain to run on that platform.

thanks for the answer

Deleted post

You have some kind of issue with OpenGL.
Any errors in console?
Also try different version (like, if you tried Unviersal, try Windows version instead, it has Java pre-installed)

Any plans for Android?

Yeah we'll make android one day, touchscreen support is somewhat too heavy for me right now.

Great game. Easy to play and works without issues!

Is there a "Run" feature? Exploring the maze is a bit on the slow side.. 

Combat is simple and easy to grasp. Animations are nice and smooth! 

Just needs a gallery. Maybe add an option in the house bought from the guild? An option for animations and one for the "Defeated" artwork?

Right mouse button enable x2 speed movements.
We'll add in-game gallery one day, for now we send full package of CGs and Animations for 5+ patrons :)

Ah. I figured out the right-click by pure accident. I'll can't wait to see how the game develops! And to see to a gallery.


No install options..


It doesn't need install.
Just download package normally, without using Itch client, and unpack it using winrar or something like 7zip.

This game doesn;t need to be installed, you only need Java64.

(2 edits) (-1)

... Well that's a pain in the a--...

I don't understand any of that.. And there's not anything here that leads to a game.     Oh well.

Thanks for the reply.

Open page in browser.
Click download on game file
Use Winrar or 7Zip to unpack it
Dude its like, Junior School level...

Maybe now it is. But not 30 years ago, it wasn't.

All the same, thanks for the help.

No prob.
And tbh, its vica versa, 20y ago people used to have lewd games portable in flash format :P 
Stuff like Itch applications with auto-install and other 1-click features appear only like, past couple years.

man, you make so good stuff!) do more? please! i hope everything with you, your friends and kin will be good!

Thanks man~
We'll continue making stuff ofc, as long as i can stay safe and wont get hit :P

i understand. be safe man

bro what i can do for fix i

Use simple folder path like C:/game.
Install Java if you haven't done it yet.

I think its folder path issue tbh.

i have java but show me that

the game run but he looks in black

It can be also caused by lack / outdated videocard.

Can you provide some info about your PC, game folder location, system details etc.

Ouch. I dont see videocard info, but you have only 4Gb memory.
Considering Java64 require 4+, you will have issues for sure, this is very, very outdated config, like 15 years old?

i love this game so much and i cant wait for more well done!!


Thank you. This month we'll rotate public again so :P

lucky us;)

the game wont open , i have java like it says but dosent work idk why 

oh i got it


Glad you solved it :)

I don't have access to storage. Let me know how.

maybe I'm missing something but I can't seem to make any progress in the dungeons, should I just be going in and grabbing quest things and high-tailing it out? I inevitably run into minotaurs and die and have to start over. Maybe I should've had a warrior instead of a cleric and a rogue...but good graphics. One of the buildings still appears to be empty, I assume this is going to be added in later builds?

Any info on when the next public build is coming?

In about 10 days or so.

Has there been a delay? Hope everything okay with you.

how i can play it, is so hard to install

Install Java64
Download package from itch (dont use Itch app, it messes up things)
Extract package using winrar or 7zip or other normal tool. Weird tools may mess up package content.
Run exe file. If extraction tool was doin it job properly, there will be nothing else to install.

the only what appeareds me is a archive.jar, i openned it and nothing 

how do i use java to download games cant find it on the web

Errrr you dont use Java to download games.
Java is environment / language necessary to launch.
You can get latest here
After install you need to manually download game package from Itch and run the game .exe file.

(1 edit)

i downloaded java and this game but this game wants me to do a second extraction is that right? i keep gwting the c: windows system32 black screen

is there no way?


Sorry i dont understand what do you mean.
Do some screenshots and proper description of your issue.

(3 edits)

it wouldn't let me do a screenshot of the black screen. after the extraction there was no exe application only another extraction in that spot but after the second one i got the black screen that had a blinking white line i was able to text on it. this site wouldnt let me show screen shots so i sent it to f95zone

How do i increase guild rank i currently have 390 and is currently ranked Raider

Its Max for now. Will increase it soon.

Kinda glitchy, but love the art! Could use a tutorial, probably.

Doesn't install from the Itch.io client.

Its not working properly with Java packages.
Please download archieve manually and unpack it.

le sad

IS android supported or are there plans for adding support?

(1 edit) (+2)

We will add it eventually. 


hey is there a 3rd level or are you working on it?

Yeah. We're currently filling 2nd level mercenary (dullahan lady), and couple minibosses for 2-2 and 2-3 substages.
After that 3rd stage yeah. Already got ideas and stuff :P


wish there was a option which made the main characters already futa instead of the spell thing

its bounded to stage specific idea, liek 1st stage is futa on female, 2nd is female on futa femdom.

yea kinda wish there was a option game is still great tho 

(1 edit)

I open the .rar file and open the lewdmaze windows thing itself exrtact it and did nothing idk if i’m doing this wrong or not

Errr. You need to run game after it self-extracts.
If it extracts NOTHING, you need to check your system / antivirus settings, something is blocking it.

when im playing the win version of it it randomly crashes please help

it should give ya some kind of error in black console.

can you screenshot that please~

sorry found out the problem fixed it

great game btw

thanks, glad you found a solution :

I find it pretty rough that you don't get any experience and lose all progress when you're defeated

Oh nevermind I found the guild quests which are much easier

You also can save in normal dungeon by using Imp tent.


Ok thanks. So first impression: I really like the art. What I would like to see is a gallery where you can watch unlocked anims/art, and something that tells you quest progress while in the dungeon. Also the loading times/transitions feel rather long for something that is rather low-fi.

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